OLD ASE Seminars LLC

Continuing Education

All of our premium continuing education can be implemented quickly and with a high rate of efficacy. Whether it’s in-person seminars, over 70 on-demand classes, or the mentorship community, you will find the skills you need to get outstanding results treating MSK and pain.

All individual webinars are approved for NCCAOM PDAs. All webinars should be approved for California CEUs by the end of February 2023. 

In-person seminars are approved for NCCAOM PDAs and some are approved for California CEUs. Please check each seminar for details.

Scroll down to see all of our in-person and on-demand classes. 

*All prices in USD

In-person Seminars for 2023


Acupuncture Motor Point Manual Hard Copy Booklet + Ebook, 2nd edition

Original price was: $139.00.Current price is: $69.50.

Soft Tissue Hard Copy Booklet, eBook and Videos Bundle

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $79.50.

Mentorship Community

Stay up to date and learn all of Dr. Lombardi’s techniques in great detail through his mentorship community at DrAnthonyLombardi.locals.com. We call this community continuous education, because it is a continuous stream of new content plus a library of all past content. This platform, which is separate from aseseminarsllc.com due to its additional features, will greatly enhance your understanding of treating MSK and pain using acupuncture.

The Locals Mentorship Community drives excellence through:

  • Interactive “News Feed” forum where supporters post case studies and other questions for Dr. Lombardi 
  • Growing library of 36+ webinars unique to Locals
  • Live Labs and Q&As with Dr. Lombardi – Discuss cases & review techniques
  • 25+ recordings of past Live Labs and Q&A sessions; more added every month
  • NCCAOM PDA Portal
  • Discounts on seminars and on-demand classes at aseseminarsllc.com
  • Monthly or yearly membership for full access